First performance at Chapter Arts Centre, November 2014
Ever been to a wedding where the best man’s speech went too far? A funeral where the eulogy told the truth, the whole truth or anything but the truth? Did you ever reply on twitter and regret it immediately. We’ve been collecting stories, writing eulogies, making speeches and not apologising. We’ve been getting competitive, drinking milk and dancing to Kelis. Join us for an evening of home truths, toasts, confessions & explosions. Dress code: Inappropriate.
Bottled by Matt Ball, Justin Cliffe & Tracy Harris
Performed by Justin Cliffe & Tracy Harris
Directed by Matt Ball
Developed through WalesLab, National Theatre Wales artist development initiative, with support from Aberystwyth Arts Centre and Chapter Arts Centre.
Ydych chi erioed wedi bod i briodas a chlywed araith gan y gwas priodas a aeth yn rhy bell?
Angladd lle roedd pob teyrnged yn cynnwys y gwir, yr holl wir a dim ond y gwir? Ydych chi erioed wedi ymateb ar Twitter a difaru gwneud ar unwaith?
Bu Matt Ball, Justin Cliffe a Tracy Harris wrthi’n casglu straeon, yn ysgrifennu teyrngedau ac yn gwneud areithiau heb ymddiheuro. Maen nhw wedi bod yn cystadlu, yn yfed llaeth ac yn dawnsio i Kelis. Ymunwch â nhw am noson o wirioneddau, llwnc-destunau, cyffesion a ffrwydradau. Cod gwisg: amhriodol!
Bottled gan Matt Ball, Justin Cliffe & Tracy Harris
Perfformiad gan Justin Cliffe & Tracy Harris.
Cyfarwyddo gan Matt Ball
Gyda chefnogaeth Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru Wedi’i ddatblygu drwy WalesLab, menter datblygu artistiaid National Theatre Wales, gyda chefnogaeth gan Ganolfan Gelfyddydau Aberystwyth a Chapter.